It isn't easy being green - especially when you're urban and love Thai take out. But I'm sure gonna try.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunscreen Confusion

"So, what are you going to do about sunscreen this summer?" a friend asked me this past week at preschool. I was a bit confused, so I asked her to elaborate.

She told me she that with all the information about the bad chemicals in sunscreens, some other parents mentioned they were not going to use it at all.

"What about the natural kind?" I asked. "With Zinc..."

She told me she heard those were bad, too. She was genuinely perplexed.

I shuddered for a moment imagining all these little kids with bright red skin. It could be a scene out of an old Chevy Chase movie except getting burnt like that just isn't funny anymore.

Sunscreen and sun safety has become so confusing. The Environmental Working Group has published a collection of disconcerting articles about the FDA's failure to regulate effective and safe sunscreens. Skin cancers continue to rise despite Americans using more and more sunscreen. Natural sunscreens often contain nanoparticles (teeny, tiny, pulverized bits of titanium and zinc) which are so small that some fear they can actually be absorbed into our cells and damage our DNA. Some alternative medicine folks are proposing we ditch sunscreens because surely our lack of vitamin D is also contributing to the rise in cancers.

UGH! I have a headache just trying to process it all!

Here's what I think (and I'm not a doctor, so this is in no way professional or medical advice): If you and your kids are going to be in the sun for long periods of time this summer, you should be wearing sunscreen or UV protective clothing.

Personally, I only buy natural sunscreens. I won't even let my kids use the chemical kind once in a while with friends - especially not sprays. (I know, I know, they're easy, but then your kids aren't just getting the chemicals on their skin, they are inhaling them, too.) I also do my best to avoid those that contain nanoparticles. There is a lot of research out there that states nanoparticles are totally safe in sunscreen. For me, though, the technology breaks the simplicity rule.

I've been trying various natural sunscreens now for almost four years. I've found one or two I adore, one or two I tolerate, and ones that made me feel like a greased watermelon. Stay tuned because next time I'll tell you about some of my favorites!

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